Boathouse Effort Reminder

Wildcat Crew,

The Planning Commission hearing at City Hall seemed to go well - you can watch the recording here. As a reminder, tomorrow, Monday, 5pm, is the deadline for public comment on the Draft EIR. And this effort needs your comments!

Send the message home: we need a bigger boathouse, and the plans used in the draft EIR are grossly inadequate. Feel free to just forward what you sent months ago, or email a fresh comment. A template is below.

At the hearing, Supervisor Melgar (District 7) spoke first during the public comment period and made clear to the Planning Commission that the community needs and wants a new rowing center at the southern end of Lake Merced West site. A very heartfelt "Thank You" to Supervisor Melgar.

At baseline, please send your comments to the address, and Cc Supervisor Melgar's office at Her staff is tracking this.

Thank you all, and GO 'CATS!

- Addresses and Template Below -


CC: Supervisor Melgar's office, at:

BCC: Me, so I have a sense of what has gone out:

Subject: Lake Merced West Draft EIR: Request for Replacement of Current Boathouse Plans with Plans Reflecting Rowing Community's Needs

Dear Julie Moore,I am part of the rowing community at Lake Merced, through St. Ignatius, and I want to echo the messages you've been receiving regarding the Lake Merced West site. Thank you for all the work you've done for the Draft EIR thus far.

1 - The plans in the Draft EIR continue to include a highly insufficient watercraft facility that falls short of the known needs and vision of the community. Existing and foreseeable future recreational demand is not adequately provided for, at the current boathouse at 1 Harding Rd or through the plans in the EIR, and the EIR's proposed plans would not add suitable water-oriented recreational facilities to the lake.

2 - Please replace the plans being used by the EIR with ones that incorporate the rowing community's jointly-created vision for the southeast portion of the site. Have the much larger facility be the primary plan in the EIR, not a discarded alternative. Include rowing leaders - those who know the sport - in the planning process.

3 - A new, much larger boathouse will make a difference in the lives of thousands of adults and young people of all backgrounds and abilities every year. The current boathouse at 1 Harding Road already cannot adequately serve the 400+ youth and adult rowers at the lake.

4 - The desperately-needed facility is essential for the community's joint vision of rowing at Lake Merced, one that not only expands youth rowing opportunities, but provides adaptive/para rowing (Paralympics, Veterans, recovery and therapy), comprehensive recreational and competitive adult rowing, and general non-rowing fitness programming and community engagement. It will be a true community center, one that provides a welcoming and engaging atmosphere for people of color and those who are traditionally underrepresented in the sport.
5 - The San Francisco rowing organizations believe that this sport builds teamwork and community, and that it gets youth and adults of all ages active and engaged. With resources at hand to support people of all financial backgrounds, the sport can develop and strengthen the mind and body of all who want to participate. It provides considerable pathways for advancement towards college if desired, and for a healthy and fulfilling life.Help the rowing community change lives, and please recognize the legacy, vision, and expertise that the teams bring to the table. Thank you for your time,_________


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