West Coast Scholastics Volunteers Needed

Good evening parents and alumni!

This is the qualifying event for the SRAA Scholastic National Championships, and we need YOU! After the meeting I will send out the materials we go over, along with a signup sheet to claim - or learn more about - different jobs.

As you've seen from PRC's Novice Regatta (and this coming weekend's PRC Invite), running a successful race is a rewarding, impressive, and respected endeavor - an excellent opportunity to show that the Local Organizing Committee ("LOC" - aka, the host - YOU!) means business.

Such an event is also a lot of work, and we will need a small army of folks in various roles to make the magic happen. Our coaches, except for me to a large extent, will be necessarily focusing on the students - it is our region's qualifying event for our national championship, after all... (don't worry boys' parents, the boys will get their needed attention... but I'll also be splitting my time focusing on the entire event).

"An army <cough> NAVY, you say?"

Yes. There's a job for everyone! Everything from a setup crew, cleanup crew, entrance/parking guards, results processors and posters, finish line crew, trash picker-uppers, food tent extraordinaires, race course safety launch drivers for the referees, warmup area ref drivers, starting line ref drivers, starting line director, finish line ref drivers, dock masters, boat controllers, photographers, coach back massagers... wait, no, that last one was wishful thinking. You get the picture.

"This sounds awesome, but why suddenly now when SI has only hosted the smallest of scrimmages for the past few decades?"

  1. Our turf, our muscle, and our control over the factors at play. We direct the narrative.

  2. Saves families $55,000+ in travel and lodging expenses this year, the cost to do the race down in SoCal where it has been since its inception in 2017. SoCal schools do wish to alternate locations between NorCal and SoCal every year, to keep things fair... fine. We can determine that later. This event will cost some money to run, but much or all of it we can cover through entry fees.

Now, PRC can host multiple regattas every year because they have dedicated parents (which we certainly have as well), but especially because they have multiple full-time staff members and a coaching staff that is paid a livable hourly wage. You understand... we need you! And we can have a great event.

I'm excited, and I look forward to seeing what we can all do together.


510 Sprints Info