PRC Dual

Wildcat Crew,

Coming in on this blustery wind is our annual dual with PRC!

Every year we get to test our mettle against Pacific, and this year is no exception! Competitors on the water, and allies and frequently friends on land, our rivalry has gone back to the founding days of both teams. Maybe in a few years, if our combined efforts are successful, we will celebrate this dual from the doors of a grand new rowing center at Lake Merced West - a future facility worthy of another half-century of Crew at Lake Merced.


Tomorrow's dual will operate in waves, with every event earning points towards an overall winner. All boats count.

Current Plan:

4:15PM-ish - Pre-Race Introductions

5:00PM - Races Begin

6:00PM - Races Conclude

6:00PM-6:45PM - Awards Ceremony

--- Specific events will progress from youngest / least experienced to oldest / fastest, races going off every 10 minutes. Final schedule will be posted at the lake tomorrow afternoon.

Please plan on attending as late as possible, and, as always - times can change slightly. Races are timed such that freshmen who are taking the CYO buses may leave after their races if necessary, pending your arrangement with your coach. (This is NOT clearance to do so on my part: again, please speak with your respective coach.)

A Look Back

Did you know that SI's current version of the team came together in 1979, in what is now PRC's boat bay? At the time it was South End Rowing Club's space, and we used a couple racks and some comparatively-ancient wooden shells the team had fundraised for. The next year PRC formed, both of us sharing the same space, and a few years later SI moved into the bay the City had been using for small sailboats - the space that generations of SI rowers and coxswains would eventually call home. Interestingly, in their initial forms those years, both teams were actually organized as different Boy Scout Explorer Posts: Post 330 for SI, Post 550 for Pacific (Oakland Strokes was similarly founded, as Post 8 and 9 five years prior). Thus began the Lake Merced rivalry we enjoy today.

(Often forgotten: Crew first graced the shores of SI in 1939, competing against Lowell, Galileo, and a few others - though it seems those years enjoyed a rather SF-specific version of the sport!)

See you soon!


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